Course Syllabus for ENVS 298:
Course Grades:
This class is new so the course material will be fluid. The content table I gave in the course proposal is shown below and we will try to stick to this, somewhat. Learning Outcomes: The principle objective of the proposed course is to improve the QL/QR skills of the students by using graphical means, in combination with many rich, real life data sets, as the vehicle for producing this literacy. Just as in the case of "critical thinking", student learning outcomes and/or course objectives are highly dependent upon the definition of quantitative reasoning. While there is no one, universal definition, the following table outlines 6 observable skills that can be reasonably associated with QR and that will be designed into the proposed class: Another major outcome will be the development of data literacy and understanding the vital role that data plays in shaping scientific hypothesis, evaluation, prediction, and future research. Data literacy also entails training students on issues related to data bias (an extant problem in much climate data), data incompleteness and data ambiguity. Indeed, a major piece of core data literacy involves dealing with noisy data that can support several different viewpoints. The overall ability to resolve ambiguity is also a necessary component of critical thinking.