This assignment is also concerned with likely Climate Change hazards that would adversely effect large regional areas in the United States. You are to prepare a presentation, hypothetically to the Congressionally Formed Alliance of Responsible Thinkers (CFART) on likely and worse case scenarios for regional climate change based on actual data and events.

Your presentation should include:

  • a) the data story of regional climate change to "prove" that its happening
  • b) economic and other impacts of climate change "events"
  • c) suggested regional policies for adaptation and preparedeness for future worsening scenarios.

Always remember that CFART is brain dead and has no attention span. Therefore you need to get their attention right way with a Worse Case Scenario . You collectively failed to do this with CSUCK and thereore BAU was the outcome.

Your principle source of data from which to make your case is The state of the climate data site . The National Climate Assessment will also be a useful resource for this assignment.

Below are the 4 assigned regions to the various teams.

Blue Team: Your are assigned the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Western Montana).

Dragon Team: You are assigned California, since by any GDP measure, its a country all by itself. Note that you should also be using the The Cal Adapt site

Shark Team: You are assigned the American Northeast (define it in some sensible way).

Tiger Team: You are assigned the Gulf Coast region (basically Louisiana and Florida) .

Presentations should be 17-18 minutes in duration to leave time for discussion after words.

Practice so that you keep to this time!