The probability that there are x occurences of an event (where x is a non-negative integer is given
λ is often a rate per unit time, distance, or area. This is a discrete
distribution based on counting events. Note as you tend towards large λ (i.e.
long times) this
distribution becomes like a normal distribution.
This distribution arises as a consequence of the summation of many
rare events.
Examples of events governed by this distribution:
- The number of cars that pass through a certain point on a road during a given period of time.
- The number of spelling mistakes a secretary makes while typing a single page.
- The number of phone calls at a call center per minute
Poisson statistics govern the behavior of queues!
- The number of roadkill found per unit length of road
- The number of pine trees per unit area of mixed forest.
- The number of soldiers killed by horse-kicks each year in each corps in the Prussian cavalry.
- The number of Cat 5 Hurricanes that pass by a given latitude
and longtitude
Some important assumptions
- arrivals/events occur one at a time (hence discrete)
- probability of an arrival/event in a given time interval depends only
on the length of the time interval
- the number of arrivals/events in non-overlapping times intervals are independent - that is
the arrival of the next event is not correlated with the fact that a previous event has
occurred. This is important. If this is not the case, then you can not use this statistical
Lollipops arrive to the lollipop tester on average every 10 minutes.
The arrival process is Poissonian.
What is the probability of 2 arrivals in the next 15 minutes?
So, x =2 (that's the number of events we are counting)
λ = 1.5 (we expect one per arrival every 10 minutes; total time = 15 minutes;
λ = 15/10 = 1.5)
P(x) = .251
What about 4 events?
P(x) = .047