This assignment is concerned with likely Climate Change hazards that would adversely effect large regional areas in the United States. You are to prepare a presentation, hypothetically to the Congressional Subcommittee on Ubiquitous Climage Katastrophe (CSUCK).
Your presentation should include:
- a) the likely mangnitude of the impact
- b) the likehood that the impact will occur
- c) economic impact of past occurencese of this threat
- d) the mitigation steps needed to minimize the impace, including the likely need for temporary relocation/evacuation of large regional areas.
- e) the resources needed to recover (quickly) from the impact
Each individual presentation should cover points a thru e but there will be differential focus/weight on this pionts depending on your assigned threat.
Always remember that CSUCK is brain dead and has no attention span. Therefore you need to get their attention right way with a Worse Case Scenario
Below are the 4 assigned hazards/threats to the various teams. Note that all of these hazards have recently happened and have gained national attention followed by almost immedidate inattentiveness to the next occurrence.
Blue Team: Your are assigned the SuperStorm scenario. Under this scenario events like SuperStorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene (2011) become common place. Use these two storms as your baseline for damage and go from there.
Dragon Team: You are assigned the DROUGHT scenario. Under this scenario there is a long term regional drought which is threatening to cause water shortages in many communities (like what's happening currently in California) - Federal priority has been to move water resources around for agricultural irrigation at the expense of water distribution to communities. A worse case scenario may involve millions of households without potable water. CSUCK doesn't get relected in this case.
Shark Team: You are assigned the PolarVortex scenario. Under this scenario East Coast winters will be punctuated with an increasing number of vortex intrusions. Last winter there were two large scale events (unprecedented) which have now been document to show they had a significant effect on consumer spending which served to further delay economic recovery.
Tiger Team: You are assigned the WildFires scenario. Under this scenario continued regional droughts cobined with abysmal federal management and overpopulation in potential burn zones have created lage scale wildfire threats (Florida, California, The Mountain West). There are a lot of worse case scenarios here and you can use the 1988 Yellowstone fire as a baseline. Make sure, to better inform CSUCK, that you demonstrate that the resources needed to fight the recent large breakout of wildfires in the American West, far exceeds budgets allocated for that purpose.
Presentations should be 17-18 minutes in duration. -to leave time for discussion after words.