Upload your Files Here by 8 pm Thursday April 23
This assignment can be done using any programming language or application that you can. The basic assignment has a large data
management component to it and will ask you to interrogate and graph
the data in various ways.
Follow all the instructions below, explicitly:
- Get the Data File Note this file is a gzipped file so you will have to find an application to unzip it.
This data is a master data file for Atlantic Basin Hurricanes. Note that the data fields in this file contain both numbers and alpha characters.
There are nine columns of information:
- Column 1 is Storm ID
- Column 2 is name of storm
- Column 3,4 is lattidue and longtitude
- Column 5/6 is wind speed and central pressure
- Column 7 is year
- Column 8 is some running date field in units of hours.
- Column 9 is a descriptor and includes the Hurricane category (1,2,3,4 or 5)
You are to do read/write and list operations on this file to feed the output directly to various plotting programs www.highcharts.com using JSFIDDLE to modify and insert your data. You will probably want to refer to some of the built-in csh commands shown in the last lecture to help sort and manipulate this file.
You are write a set of programs (or write just one) write that calculates the following. At all times you have to THINK about the data.
- Calculate the frequency of Hurricane events (starting from 1900) (this excludes systems that remain as Tropical Storms) - in units of number of hurricanes per decade. Produce a plot and from that predict the number of hurricanes in the year 2030; comment on the nature of this plot and what possible problems may exist
- Produce a histogram for minimum central pressures for all the Hurricane storm IDs. Determine the mean and standard deviation of that and comment if there are any storms that have central pressure less than 3 standard deviations from the mean.
Is this an expected result?
- Let's define a standard of 1000 MB and a "hurricane threat" level of 970 mb. Calculate the "spin up time" (the time it takes to go from 1000 MB to 970 MB) for each storm and produce a histogram of spin up times. Compare the average spin up time for the period of 1990-2010 to 1950 - 1970 and comment on any trend you might see
- For hurricanes that reach Category 3 and beyond, determine the total number of hours a storm spends at that level.
plot the average number of hours per decade as a function of time (decades)
- Define a latitude box that repesents the florida cost
- Latitude 25-30 degrees
- Longtitude 75 to 80 degrees (80 degrees is the longtitude line that defines Eastern boundary of florida)
- a) count the number of storms per decade that go through this box and make a table of that shows this count
b) Using a bubble chart where the radius of the bubble is Cat 1,2,3,4 or 5 - plot all of the storms that go through this box at their maximum category intensity
- When done with the hurricane exercise Do this short github exercise . Feel free to upload your assignment there
as well as the main class upload area (top of the page).