A sort of Course Syllabus for Physics 410/510:
Spring Term 2013:
- Class Meets F 1-3:30 pm in Library 41
- There is no required textbook
The Course Website is:
Principles of Scientific Programming
- G. Bothun (hair): bigmoo@gmail.com
- C. Rasmussen (no-hair): rasmus@cas.uoregon.edu
Course TAs:
- For the 410 Students: Rebecka Tumblin: rtumblin@uoregon.edu
- For the 510 Students: Erik Keever: ekeever1@uoregon.edu
Topics could include:
- Why programming matters
- How programming enables data exploration
- Data organization, data management, data forms
- Visualized output of data; using viz libraries
- Scripting: shell, python, etc
- Fortran programming (yes really)
- Parallel programming
- High performance computing.
Grading and Course Requirements:
There will be a series of excercises, some short, some more
involved and there will very likely be some kind of term project.
There may or may not be a final exam. There will be NO midterm.