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Formatted read and write operations are not difficult - they just require practice. The actual operations are pretty similar in Python and Fortran. In the Resources section you will find two linked tutorials on this.

You should do this assignment using your ACISS account.

Note to compile and run a fortran 90 program (ACISS does not compile fortran 77) execute the following steps:

  • gfortran -c program.f90 (this will create file called program.o)
  • gfortran -o runme program.o (this will create an executable file called runme)
To run the program type runme

ON ACISS in ~dkmatter/tnp/program.f90 you will find a simple formatted write program that you should copy and run from your directory.

This will produce an output file named fort.20 in the directory under which that program was executed. In principle you would paste that file (fort.20) into JSFIDDLE and run.



  1. Download this data file (an excel spreadsheet)

      This data file contains two relevant entries:

    • Column C is the year
    • Column D is the observed annual temperature for that year in units of degrees F

  2. On timescales of a decade, compute or determine the average and standard deviations per decade. It would be most useful if you coded your own standard deviation program.

  3. From that data your are to make various plots by pasting in the properly formatted data block into the JSFIDDLE sand box.
    • Plot average temperatures and deviations as a function of time using this specific Chart Library Click on the JSFiddle link after the first example.

      • The width and height of the box should be 2 years x 0.1 C
      • The size of the vertical bars should be +/- 1.5 standard deviations.
      • Your plot should look something like this:

    • Now plot the average temperature line along with the +/- 2 standard deviation envelopes using This Chart Library

    • Now compute the slope of the temperature trend in 30 years intervals the shift by 1 decade. (e.g. slope of the trend from 1900 to 1930, 1910-1940, 1920-1950, etc). Using This Chart Libary Plot the amplitude of your slope (X-axis) vs 30 year time period (Y-axis).

      Things to upload:

      1. Your standard deviation code (if you wrote one and you should)
      2. Each of the three images that you made (you will probably need to take a a screen shoot of the JSFiddle window)
      3. A copy of your formatted write codes to produce the datablock that you plugged into JSFIDDLE
      4. This is due by 10 pm on Thursday May 14