Explicit procedure:
If the make check command generated output, then all is well. The time command will output at the very end the wall clock time. (there will be some variations depending on what node your assigned by qsub) fort.xx; where xx is indexed with respect to the rank (number of processors requested) starting at 21. Therefore for np 2 you would get fort.21 and fort.22 as the only output files. Only the highest number fort.xx file generated matters and the last line of that contains the best solution (lowest chi^2) cat fort.22 will list the contents of the relevant file (in this case for two processors) The chi square value is in the third column of the output. Run the fortran progam called rplot to enter your parameters from you minimum solution (source code = read.f90) Open gnuplot by typing gnuplot
set yrange [6000:10000] plot "fort.20" , "fort.35" Now you have produced the plot with the lowest chi^2 solution on that. Now experiment with changing either the number of processors (values of 2,4,8 and 12 are allowed) of the number of iterations per processor. Keep track of
Craig will then explain how mpirun is working. |